Shana V. Hamilton-Lockwood, Ph.D

I am a Relational-Cultural therapist which means that cultural diversity and people's identity as well as the relationships in their lives are very important in therapy. I believe that providing a safe space for clients is the number one priority in therapy in order for them to feel comfortable building a genuine relationship with me so that we can work through whatever brings them to counseling. I offer individual, couples, and family counseling. I predominantly see adolescents and adults but work with children who are presenting with sexual orientation, gender, or other issues.

Cultural diversity is defined broadly as ableness, age, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, geographical culture, political affiliation, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, size, spirituality, as well as other identities that may be dominant for individuals but not necessarily a part of the dominant culture. I strive to educate myself about all types of diversity and multiculturalism and to provide a safe space for all clients to explore their identity development within a multicultural framework; however, I do not know about all types of diversity. If you present with an identity that I do not know very much about, I will try my best to obtain information about that identity and become knowledgeable in order to help you.

Sexual or Affectional Orientation – I provide a safe space for all sexual orientations including but not limited to people who identify as bisexual, gay, heterosexual, lesbian, pansexual, queer, and questioning.  Individuals often seek therapy to explore issues stemming from socio-cultural factors such as heterosexism and internalized homophobia as well as sexual orientation binary issues, coming out, gender role challenges, challenges with dating/sex, identity integration, and challenges with societal barriers. In addition, I work with family members and friends of individuals who are exploring their feelings about their loved ones sexual orientation.  

Gender Identity – I provide a safe space for individuals who identify as transgender or gender variant as well as cisgender individuals. Therapy may include examining ones gender identity and expression, challenging the gender binary, hormone and surgery issues, and coming out to family, friends, and loved ones. I also help individuals explore butch, femme, lipstick, leather, cub, bear, and other identities in the GLBT community that impact gender identity. I provide family members and friends supportive therapy and education to more fully understand gender identity.

Intersex Issues -- Nomenclature for all diversity issues is often very difficult. While some individuals in the intersex community prefer the term Disorders of Sex Development and I respect that identity, I don't like the term because it includes the word "disorder" which pathologizes individuals who are intersex. I provide a safe space for individuals who do identify as a person who is intersex or a person with disorders of sex development to explore what this means for them as a person as well as family therapy for individuals dealing with their own issues around intersex issues.

Race/Ethnicity/Culture/International Identities - I provide a safe space to help navigate minority identity in a more dominant culture, work on challenges in honoring individual and group cultures, explore bi-racial identities, and navigate barriers in our society based on race or ethnicity. I provide therapy for stress related to Assimilation/Acculturation, ESL stress, separation from family/friends, meeting new people, and navigating societal/cultural differences for individuals that have moved to the United States.

Sex Therapy – I provide sex therapy for many different sexual dysfunctions such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, inability to orgasm, differences in desire between partners, low libido, sexual pain and aversion to sex. Therapy for individuals with all types of fetishes and compulsive sexual behavior is available. Many issues may be related to sex therapy in some way, but aren’t necessarily sex therapy. Some of these issues include but are not limited to working with individuals dealing with infertility, issues around pregnancy, adoption, or abortion, the BDSM/Kink community, working with individuals who are polyamorous, and working with individuals diagnosed with HIV/AIDS.

Addiction/Compulsive Behavior Counseling – I provide treatment for addiction/compulsive behavior to alcohol, drugs, sexuality, internet, video gaming, food, and gambling. I work with individuals with addictions/compulsive behaviors to evaluate risks/costs of use, identify triggers to their use, provide education on protective factors, and coordinating resources (12 step programs, etc.). Treatment may include examining underlying issues to use, examining usage frequency, speed, and style Issues. Individuals are able to examine effects of use on loved ones and if needed loved ones of individuals with addictions can seek counseling as well.

If you would like to make an appointment with me, you may email me at: [email protected]
Please let me know your availability and the type of insurance that you have in the email.

If you are wondering if I provide therapy for a specific issue  please see following:   List of presenting issues for which I provide
I am currently not accepting new patients as I have an extremely long waitlist. If you would like to be added to the waitlist, you may email me.

 We are committed to your privacy. Do not include confidential or private information regarding your health condition in this form or any other form found on this website. This form is for general questions or messages to the practitioner.


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